Saturday, May 4, 2024

Why should 10% of Europe be a problem for 90% of Rest of World?

If about 10% of the World’s population is busy fighting amongst themselves, then it is essential for the Rest of the World to ensure that their wars and battles do not spill over elsewhere to steal resources, as has happened in the past. 

In case this does not get across, Europe is about 10% of the world’s population, but appears to be responsible for about 90% of the mess the world finds itself in.

Look at Europe again. Meaning, a map, and not just as a tourist headed for locations promoted by movies. Most of Europe is within a few hours of sailing distance from North Africa. Across the Mediterranean Sea, if you move clockwise from Gibraltar to the Bosporus, almost all of it is one religion, and then if you move further clockwise from the Bosporus to Egypt and back to Gibraltar, almost all of it is another religion.

In the middle are some strategic islands, again, mostly one religion allied to Western Europe. 

For centuries, when the Europeans ran out of resources, they sailed across the Mediterranean to grab what they wanted. Much before the better documented World Wars, the Europeans would divide up Africa amongst themselves, and then help themselves to whatever they wanted. In exchange for the usual beads and baubles.

“Joseph Conrad illustrates in his highly valued novel, Heart of Darkness numerous aspects of the European view of the African continent in the late 19th century. These times were characterized by an omnipresent pursuit of establishing economically promising colonies in different parts of the world. Due to their vast repertoire of natural resources, African countries played an important role in the struggle about European hegemonic interests. However, aside from merely commercial matters, there was a certain need for moral justification based on ideological concepts.”

If you have not read Joseph Conrad, please consider doing it now, to understand why the Europeans fight with each other relentlessly going back in history. And then why, suddenly, it was so important for the Europeans to find a “new route” to India and how they “discovered” America by accident and the Antipodes by design.

The big risk of these Europeans fighting each other is that as soon as they run out of resources, they tend to pelt across to other parts of the world with their religion, their guns and their technologies. And then steal whatever they want.

Oil, rubber, sugar, cotton, opium, gold, slaves, food, money, the list goes on.

That is the big risk for the other 90% of the World. Time to contain the Europeans in Europe is now. 

Don’t believe me? 

Read Joseph Conrad. 

Free online.

Veeresh Malik was a seafarer. And a lot more besides. A decade in facial biometrics, which took him into the world of finance, gaming, preventive defence and money laundering before the subliminal mind management technology blew his brains out. His romance with the media endures since 1994, duly responded by Outlook, among others.)

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