Wednesday, May 8, 2024

LGBT and Bisexuals on rise in America: The brainwashed generation

The percentage of American adults identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) records an exponential rise. The recent Gallup report finds that overall, 5.6% of Americans identify themselves as LGBT. The poll suggests that more than half of LGBT adults (54.6) identify themselves as bisexual. About a quarter (24.5%) say they are gay, with 11.7% identifying as lesbian and 11.3% as transgender.

The expansion in the number of Americans who identify as LGBT is driven primarily by the cohort of Generation Z (Gen Z), defined as those born between 1997 and 2002. The percentage of Gen Z who identify as LGBT expanded to 15.9%. By contrast, the LGBT percentage in Millennials (1981-1996) and Generation X (those born from 1965 to 1979) was 9.1% and 3.8% respectively. There was no significant change in LGBT percentage among baby boomers (born 1946 through 1964) and traditionalists (born before 1946) that are 2.0% and 1.3%. 

While the LGBT identification is lower in the older generation, the increase in LGBT identification among Gen Z is the biggest, with one in every six adult members coming from Gen Z. The percentage of Bisexuals has grown from 1.8% for Generation X to 5.1% for Millennials and 11.5% for Generation Z.

The transgender growth has been from 0.2% for Generation X to 1.2% for Millennials and 1.8% for Generation Z.

However, the pronounced generational differences raise questions about whether higher LGBT identification in younger than older Americans reflects a true shift in sexual orientation, or if it merely reflects a greater willingness of younger people to identify as LGBT. While there’s no doubt that people now feel more comfortable in coming out with their actual identity, but there’s a different side to it also that makes this increase in number a controversial case.

Political commentator Matt said opined that, “The number of kids who identify as LGBT, especially trans and bisexual, has absolutely skyrocketed. If you think this is a natural or organic development, you’re deluded. The media, Hollywood, and the school system actively recruit children into the LGBT ranks.”

Abigail Shrier, in her book titled ‘Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters’, points out how there are several teenage girls who do not suffer from gender dysphoria and yet believe that they are trapped in the wrong body’ and as a result undergo medical procedures and later regret their decision. 

Prominent journalist Glenn Greenwald, noting that lesbian activist have argued that masculine girls are now encouraged to identify as transgenders, said, “Clearly, the massive increase in Americans self-identifying as LGBT — an increase due overwhelmingly to more “bi” and trans self-identifiers — is partially a function of increased societal acceptance. But that’s clearly not the only factor. And I doubt it’s the primary one.”

Coming out and identifying themselves is never an issue however the idea becomes an extremely toxic ideology when fringe elements appear to be deliberately brainwashing children and teenagers and this is not just a matter of concern in western countries but India also. Recently, it also came to light that LGBT activists were attempting to indoctrinate children in the toxic ideology of gender identity politics at a school in metropolitan cities like Delhi and Mumbai, raising legitimate concerns.



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