High blood pressure or hypertension and high cholesterol are often known as silent killers for the sole reason that these conditions do not have any early signs and symptoms that people can spot. Overtime they only aggravate to result in chronic heart diseases or potentially-fatal conditions such as a stroke or heart attack. But a new study recently named a common kitchen ingredient that could help slash risks simply by eating two spoons of it daily – it’s honey.
Experts at the University of Toronto in Canada recently discovered that honey could work wonders in improving cholesterol and blood pressure. They said that the golden liquid lowers fasting blood glucose levels fatty liver disease markers and bad cholesterol too
High cholesterol is often known as a silent killer as it can result in coronary heart disease if not addressed well in time. Additionally, high blood sugar is a consequence suffered by diabetes patients as they sometimes fail to control the way their body produces insulin. However, honey could be key to controlling these two well which was shocking for experts as it is 80 per cent sugar.
Published in the Nutrition Reviews journal, the study stated that honey is a complex composition of several natural ingredients like:
- Proteins
- Bioactive compounds
- Sugar
- Organic acids
Collectively, these ingredients have more benefits to offer than side effects. It was further discovered that people who participated in the trial had a healthier diet with added sugars accounting for only 10 per cent of the daily calorie intake. And for those who already avoid sugar, adding honey to the diet is not necessary. But those who are consuming some form of sugar, it would be wiser to switch to a safer option.
Amid 18 controlled trials involving 1000 people, people were given an average of two tablespoons or 40 grams of honey. Most of these lasted eight weeks and it was seen that raw honey is far more beneficial.
Studies have earlier also associated antioxidants in honey with neutralisation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lower risk of type-2 diabetes and heart diseases.