“26 Verses of the Quran be removed”, this sensational petition has been filed in the Supreme Court by none the than UP Shia Central Waqf Board’s ex-head, Syed Waseem Rizvi.
Rizvi, while making the plea, has been quoted in saying that Quran has “some Verses that are used to promote terrorism, violence, jihad.”
Rizvi’s plea is that these Verses were added to the Holy Book of Muslims later. “These verses were added to the Quran, by the first three Caliphs, to aid the expansion of Islam by war.”
Rizvi wrote in the petition that “after Mohammad, the first Caliphs Hazrat Abu Bakr, the second Caliphs Hazrat Umar and the third namely Hazrat Usman released the Quran as a book, based on the oral preachings of Mohammad”. This was passed on from generation to generation.
As per Rizvi, these 26 Verses were added to the Quran to promote violence, fuel jihad by terrorists and mislead young Muslims which result in killing of millions of innocents.
Rizvi’s petition has caused Jammu and Kashmir Civil Society Forum chairman Qayoom Wani lose his cool: He wants life imprisonment for Rizvi so that in the future, “nobody can dare to speak against Prophet Mohammad and the Quran.”