Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Amit Shah

Indian English Media is anti-Hindu

The Puranic story of Raktabijasura is one of my all-time favourites. Very briefly, Raktabijasura is a Rakshasa, a demon who is endowed with a boon that he thinks will...

Indian Express makes a meal out of untruths on Assam’s NRC

This is so very unethical on the part of Indian Express. For last three days, it is carrying sob stories of people who have...

Kerala’s Model of Growth: A whole nonsense

Enough of this “Kerala model of growth” which economist Amartya Sen has put his dubious stamp upon and with which Leftists louts thump their...

‘Nehru Conspiracy’ & Dr. Mookerjee’s death

Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee’s death which falls on Friday (June 23, 1953), and which Atal Bihari Vajpayee termed as “Nehru Conspiracy” , was as turbulent as...

Guha and the Gandhi he hides

Ramachandra Guha today hogged the Indian Express edit page with his column: “Does Gandhi have a caste?”. Guha, already a book old on Gandhi--“Gandhi before...


Sant Kumar Sharma
Veeresh Malik