Saturday, February 8, 2025

Iran deal or war soon: Obama

US president Barack Obama made an impassioned plea in Washington for the Congress to clear the bill.

Obama said: “The choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy and some sort of war, may be not tomorrow, maybe not three months from now, but soon.” Under the deal, Iran has agreed to limit its nuclear programme in exchange for sanctions relief.

Obama acknowledged that Israel has denounced the deal. “Israel can defend itself against any conventional danger, whether from Iran directly or from its proxies.”

Dr Hooshang Amirahmadi, president of the American-Iranian Council was his usual pungent self:

“With Mr Obama threatening war if this deal does not go, and Mr (Benjamin) Netanyahu (Israeli prime minister) basically threatening war if this deal goes (ahead)—in both cases it seems to me that Iran is destined to be attacked.

“I’m surprised that both sides are talking about war so easily and so relaxed as if it was a kids play. `If there is no deal there will be a war,’ President Obama says. I don’t think he has a right to say that, it is not even legal internationally to threaten a sovereign nation so openly.

“Obviously, the US congress is more influenced by Mr Netanyahu and the Jewish lobby than by President Obama and his people, that is almost a fact.”

Conn Hallinan, a columnist for Foreign Policy in Focus, told Russia Today that “you are going to see the agreement rejected by Congress, then vetoed by the president, having enough votes that they can’t overcome the veto,” Hallinan projected. 

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