Friday, January 24, 2025


Indus Water Treaty

The Curse of Jhelum: Pak could only blame its terrorists

The earliest recorded historical accounts of human intervention for regulation of Jhelum waters are to be found from the reign of Awantivarman, the founder...

India’s masterstroke in Shahtoot dam sinks Pak’s dark agenda

When India signed an agreement with Afghanistan some days ago for the construction of Shahtoot dam over Kabul river, there was lot of heartburn...

New dams in Ladakh, J & K: As always be ready for Pak spoilers

The Central government has given clearance for eight hydropower projects with a total potential of producing 144 MW for the Ladakh region. In all,...

India has been exemplary to a fault against Pakistan in Indus Water Treaty

Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) completed 60 years of successful operations two days ago on September 19. Except minor hiccups regarding run of river (RoR)...

Why Srinagar dreads this day; and why it could recur again, and again

Some Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) terrorists fired in air, vandalised machinery at the site and beat up some labourers at Adipora on August 27, 2012....

Indus Water Treaty: This year, even its meeting, is in the crosshairs

Those watching India-Pakistan relationship closely predict that wranglings may start between them on Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) soon. May be sooner than expected as...

Pakistan could be over without Indus water

By declaring that water and blood can’t flow together, and reviewing the Indus Water Treaty, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has addressed an existential...

Pulwama Attack: Sadly, India can’t resort to ‘water war’

The dastardly Pulwama attack has again led to talks of India abrogating the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 and wage a “water war” against...

Indo-Pak ties: A century of hostilities

Diplomacy is at work between India and Pakistan these days. The two prime ministers, foreign ministers and security chiefs have met in places as...


Sant Kumar Sharma
Veeresh Malik