Saturday, September 14, 2024



Why Pakistan covets Punjab and J & K? It’s water it needs to survive

In hindsight now, 50 years later, two events stand out of the 1971 India-Pakistan war. The first is the one unforgettable picture of surrender...

India has been exemplary to a fault against Pakistan in Indus Water Treaty

Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) completed 60 years of successful operations two days ago on September 19. Except minor hiccups regarding run of river (RoR)...

Indus Water Treaty: This year, even its meeting, is in the crosshairs

Those watching India-Pakistan relationship closely predict that wranglings may start between them on Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) soon. May be sooner than expected as...

Why Indians need to see more of the country they live in

Indian prime minister Narendra Modi may not have nudged we Indians into travelling more often in India than we do abroad but he surely...

Pakistan could be over without Indus water

By declaring that water and blood can’t flow together, and reviewing the Indus Water Treaty, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has addressed an existential...

‘Quantum physics owes much to Vedic sciences’

(Dr. Subhash Kak is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. He is also a renowned authority...


Sant Kumar Sharma
Veeresh Malik